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Главная General information for authors
26 | 03 | 2025
General information for authors


1. Options of delivery of the article to the editorial board and the proper size of manuscript.

1.1. The author may send the manuscript by mail or submit directly to the editorial board the printed article (on white A4 paper, on one side of the sheet) and compulsory electronic version – files with text and illustrations.

1.2. Also, it is possible to send a manuscript by e-mail.

1.3. The manuscript offered for publication should not exceed 12 pages of text (with figures and tables), printed on white paper (A4) on one side with a half – two intervals, 14 pins (font Times New Romans). The volume of the article can be increased in agreement with the editor.

2. Requirements for files and article elements

2.1. File formats with materials of article
Text – DOC, DOCX (Microsoft Word). Pictures – DOC, TIFF, PDF, JPEG with a resolution of bitmap images at least 300 dpi.

2.2. Following items must be both Russian and English language:

- Author’s surname, first name and patronymic
- Article’s title
- Abstracts
- Keywords

2.3. Making the beginning of the article:

- UDC (index of articles on the Universal Decimal Classification);
- The authors (with an indication of a scientific degree);
- The full name of the institution where the study was carried out (the place of the authors);
- City;
- The country (for foreign authors);
- Title of the article;
- Abstracts;
- Keywords.

2.4. It is highly recommended to specify purpose of the task, proposed solutions and make appropriate conclusions in the article.

2.5. Formulas, literal notations (uppercase and lowercase Latin and Greek alphabets), numbers, signs and their location must be clear and distinct. All Latin letters must be printed in italic, Russian and Greek - straight.

2.6. After the text should go a list of references used in writing the article.

2.7. All pages in the article should be numbered.

2.8. Pictures must be clear and have captions. Explanation of drawings and photographs in the text and captions should match the content of the drawings. These tables and figures should not duplicate the text.

2.9. We need following document to make an agreement with author: passport data with division code, registered address with the index, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail.

Regulations on reviewing the articles coming to the Editorial Board


3. General terms

3.1. Scientific and technical articles reflecting the results of studies held by the author (s), scientific reviews, the deliverables of scientific events (symposiums, conferences, seminars, etc) are accepted to publication.

3.2. The article materials have to correspond to the subjects of the journal.

3.3. The paper’s structure should meet the requirements of the editorial board. Any discharges from the requirements are admissible only after reaching agreement with the editorial board.

3.4. Author’s affiliation information should be reliable. In case of any changes coming to affiliation, authors should immediately notify the editorial board.

3.5. Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the paper. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

3.6. Authors must submit only original works. When using the text or graphic information received from the papers of other persons, references to the relevant publications or the author’s written permission are necessary.

3.7. If manuscript elements were published earlier in another paper, the authors must refer to the earlier work and specify the essential difference between the new paper and the previous one. Literal copying of own works and their rephrasing are unacceptable; they can be used only as a basis for new conclusions.
Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

3.8. Authors must recognize a contribution of other persons who have influenced the submitted research. Bibliographic references to works are obligatory.

3.9. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the reported study.

3.10. When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.

3.11. The publication in the journal is free.


4. The procedure for review of manuscripts

4.1. All scientific and technical articles are obligatorily reviewed.

4.2. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have publications on peer-reviewed article for the past 3 years. Members of the Editorial Board who have professional knowledge and experience in a scientific direction which is close to the theme of the manuscript can be brought as reviewers.

4.3. The articles are reviewed by blind method (peer review in which the reviewer does not know the name of the author, and the author does not know the names of the reviewers); experts freely comment on the level and clarity of the presented material, its fitness for the profile of the journal, originality and reliability of results.

4.4. The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for the decision to publish an article.

4.5. The professionals working in the same department of the university or the research institution where the work was carried out can not act as reviewers.

4.6. The reviewers are informed that a manuscript sent to them is the intellectual property of the authors and are not subject to disclosure. The reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs.

4.7. The reviewer should study received article by the date fixed and to send to the editor office by e-mail or transfer a printed drawn up review or a reasoned refusal to review.

4.8. The term of review is up to 30 days after the receipt of the article by the editorial board. The term may be extended if additional review is necessary or the reviewer of this profile is temporary absent.

4.9. The review has to contain:

1. The full title of scientific articles;
2. The assessment of conformity of the article materials to the subjects of the journal;
3. Brief description of the scientific problems affected in the article and basic aspects reported by the authors;
4. The evaluation of the scientific level and originality of the results submitted for publication, their practical significance;
5. The advantages and disadvantages of the contents and form of presentation;
6. Specific recommendations to refine the material of the article (if any);
7. The assessment of possibility of the article publication: "The article is recommended for publication", "The article needs work", "The article is not recommended for publication";
8. Information about the reviewer: Name, academic degree, academic rank;
9. The date;
10. The signature of the reviewer.

4.10. If the reviewer recommends an article to be published after completion / removing comments or not recommend the article for publication, he must point in the review specific reasons for the decision with clear formulation of the imperfections identified in the manuscript.

4.11. The decision on the appropriateness of publishing of reviewed article is accepted by the chief editor or the deputy editor, and if it is necessary – at a meeting of the editorial board.

4.12. If the article can be published after revision and removing the reviewers' remarks, a copy of the review with the reviewers' comments is sent to the author by e-mail.

4.13. The editor board can submit a modified article to re-review. The chief editor or the deputy editor decide if it is necessary to send the article for re-review.

4.14. In case of refusal in the publication a reasoned refusal is sent to the author, or a copy of the review (at the discretion of the editorial board).

4.15. The article which is not recommended for publication by a reviewer is not accepted to reconsider. In exceptional cases, the manuscript is sent to an independent reviewer. In this case, the final decision is taken by the chief editor or the editorial board after considering the results of all the reviews.

4.16. The reviewers and the editors have the right not to discuss with the authors the comments made or the decision to refuse publication.


5. Storage and providing the reviews and manuscript

5.1. The editorial board does not keep manuscripts not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned.

5.2. The editorial board sends the reviews to authors by e-mail.

5.3. Reviews of scientific articles are stored in the Editorial office at least 5 years.

5.4. Reviews may be provided to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when requested.

5.5. Reviews can be given to members of the editorial board when requested.


General principles and rules to be followed by participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, reviewers, editors, and publisher are also set out in the "Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement."


The following information will assist you in submitting an article:

Since 2009 the journal has been indexed in Russian Science Citation Index. Due to the preparation of the journal for inclusion in foreign bibliographic databases, carefully review the guidelines for the preparation of articles for publication.

Author’s names.

 The names of the authors of articles must be presented in both Russian and English languages.

Translated names of authors should be implemented in one of the standard international system of transliteration: "simple system", Library of Congress system, the system of Board of Geographic Names (BGN), system of the U.S. State Department. The authors must take note on following the right spelling of their last name and initials in English. Arbitrary choice of transliteration (or edited by the author himself) will inevitably lead to a variety of options of the name of one author, and as a result it will make unfeasible the process of identification and consolidation of data on its publications and citation in bibliographic databases. On the website  http://www.translit.ru/ you can find free application for transliteration of the Russian text into Latin.

Name of organization and department.

• The Name of the organization must be without abbreviations in both the Russian and English languages.

• All relevant words in the title of the organization (except for articles and prepositions) must begin with a capital letter

Organization name is used to identify the authors to create their profiles and profiles of organizations in the databases. The information about publications of particular authors related to specific organizations around the world is used to obtain complete information about the scientific activities of the organizations (and country as a whole). Organization profile in the database usually includes a large list of information: the address of the organization, the amount of publications, number of authors, all related articles, a list of sources (magazines) where author’s from affiliated organizations has been published, the subject of publications and organizations which authors cooperate with.

The authors must correctly specify the name of the organization in the Russian and English languages. The editors don’t transliterate and translate the name of the organization, so it will be published “as is”. Using different versions for the translation of organization names and different transliteration systems leads to loss of items in the profile of the organization and the author in different databases.
Using an official name of the organization with no cuts in Russian and English languages in the article will allow the most accurate identification of author’s affiliations. The exception is untranslatable into English brand names. These names must be given in the transliterated version.

Title of the article

• The title of the article must be presented in Russian and English languages
• All relevant words in the title (except for articles and prepositions) must begin with a capital letter
• The title of a scientific article should be informative, i.e., clearly reflect its contents in a few words
• Author’s must apply simple structures to the article’s names.
• It is recommended to use keywords in the title
• Using the untranslatable slang known only to the Russian-speaking professionals is strictly prohibited. This statement also applies to abstracts and keywords.
• Title of the article should not contain mathematical and chemical formulas, letters of the alphabets other than Latin and Russian, Roman numerals
• Only standard abbreviations can be used in the title
• When the article is ready authors must check that the title fully corresponds to its contents.
• In the translation of the article should not be any transliterations from Russian language except for untranslatable proper names, instruments, and other objects that have their own names


• Abstract of article must be both Russian and English languages

• Abstract performs the following functions: 
- Allows to set the main content of the article, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the full text of the article
- Gives an information about the article
- Can be used in information search engines including automated to search for articles and other types of requested information

• Abstract must be:
- informative (without common words)
- authentic
- meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results)
- structured (follow the logic for description of the results in the article)
- compact (volume of 100 to 250 words)

It’s very important! Usually abstract in English in the Russian-language publication for foreign scientists and different specialists is the only source of information considering the content of the article or result of researches. Foreign experts estimate the publication by abstracts, determine their interest in the work of the author, can use it in their publications and make a reference, they also can open a discussion with the author, ask the full text, etc. The volume of abstract in English on the Russian-language article can be more than abstract in Russian, as the Russian-language annotation is followed by the full text in the same language.

General recommendations:

• The information contained in the title, should not be repeated in the abstract. Avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (e.g., "the author of the article analyzes the ..."), historical references, descriptions of previously published and well-known positions.
• One of the choices of presenting an abstract is a recapitulation of structure of the article, including the introduction, aims and objectives, methods, results, conclusion
• You have to use peculiar syntax structures appropriate for scientific and technical papers and avoid complex grammatical structures
• Generally accepted technical terminology should be used in translation process
• In abstracts you must use relevant words from the text of the article. Abbreviations and symbols except the widespread ones are used in exceptional cases only, or you can give their definitions at the first use
• Physical units should be provided in the International System of Units. If you use different system of units, you can place it after SI value in parenthesis.
• In the abstract you should not provide links to the publication number in the list of references to the article


• Keywords for the article must be both English and Russian languages
• Maximum number of keywords per article should not exceed ten
• Use only standard abbreviations
The keywords should clearly indicate the main content of the article. Try to avoid using as a keyword such general terms as "system", in this case search engine does not lead the reader to the required information. In some cases the keyword may be used in a phrase form, but never in a form of even a short sentence.

General recommendations for submitting an article:

• You should always use structured approach in writing an article. Article must have an introduction containing summary review of formulating the problem. The main part have to include several internal partitions and contain a formal statement of the problem and the proposed solution method. There must be difference from the already known problem statements. You must emphasize on advantages of developing method for problem solution. It will be also necessary to put a good example of practical use confirming the operability and effectiveness of the proposed solutions. In the end of the article preferably to give recommendations on practical using of the findings. 
• Units of physical quantities should be included in the International System of Units (SI). It is possible to deal with the units permitted alongside SI units, as well as multiples and submultiples. 
• Figure captions should explain their meaning, thus the presented data can be clearly understood without reference to the whole text. The abbreviation should stand in the figure captions, if it was not made in the text.
• Formulas, lettering, numbers, signs and their location must be clear and distinct. All letters must be printed in italic, Russian and Greek - straight.
With best regards, editorial office.

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