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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2019.04.pp.025-032

Тихомирова Т. А., Федоренко Г. Т., Назаренко К. М., Назаренко Е. С.
(c. 25-32)

Аннотация. Представлен упрощенный дескриптор локальных особенностей контурных объектов ландшафта, используемых в качестве визуальных реперов. Дано описание алгоритма динамического отбора реперов с учетом контекста допустимых смещений, масштабов и пространственной частоты выборки. Показано, что на типовых природных и городских ландшафтах предложенный алгоритм позволяет отобрать 10 – 20 наиболее надежных реперов  на последовательности из трех-пяти кадров.

Ключевые слова:  навигация; визуальные ориентиры; особенности контуров; мультивекторный дескриптор.


Tikhomirova T. A., Fedorenko G. T., Nazarenko K. M., Nazarenko E. S.
(pp. 25-32)

Abstract. Navigation of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in unfamiliar terrain can be greatly simplified with reliable visual landmarks. However, their selection and tracking commonly is a serious problem, since, due to the wide variety of landscapes, it is impossible to guarantee the detection of objects with a priori specified properties. For navigation tasks the most interesting features of images of natural landscapes are the long contours produced by the peculiarities of the relief, such as coastlines, field boundaries, forest edges, mountain ranges, and so on. For shortterm tasks in a small time interval, it is also possible to use the boundaries of light and shadow, as well as other optical effects associated with the conditions of illumination and observation. Due to its size and the presence of a pronounced texture, extended contours are easily detectable and positioned quite accurately. However, their realtime tracking is difficult because their global shape highly depend on observation conditions. Therefore, instead of tracking the contour as a whole, it is preferable to track its small fragments containing sharp features. Such landmarks are not very sensitive to distortions, but at the same time they are not unique enough to provide standalone recognition. Therefore, in order to select reliable landmarks from those preselected from a static image, they should be additionally filtered  during the flight  of the UAV. The article proposes a new handle of the contour landmarks and describe its usage for tracking and dynamic filtering of a large sample of preselected landmarks. It is shown that on typical landscapes of both natural and urban origin, dynamic filtering allows selection of 10 – 20 reliable landmarks from 100 candidates by processing a sequence of 3 – 5 frames.

Keywords: Navigation; Visual reference points; Contour features; Multivector handle.


Т. А. Тихомирова, Г. Т. Федоренко (ФГУП «Государственный научно-исследовательский институт авиационных систем» ГНЦ РФ, Москва, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
К. М. Назаренко, Е. С. Назаренко (Московский государственный технологический университет «СТАНКИН», Москва, Россия)



T. A. Tikhomirova, G. T. Fedorenko (State Research Institute of Aviation Systems State Scientific Center of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
K. M. Nazarenko, E. S. Nazarenko (Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, Moscow, Russia)



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