10.14489/vkit.2017.07.pp.014-021 |
DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2017.07.pp.014-021 Полищук Ю. В. Аннотация. Рассмотрен способ автоматизированного контроля информационной энтропии больших технических систем, который заключается в количественной оценке данного показателя на основе анализа сопутствующего эксплуатационного контента и выработке рекомендаций по его снижению до допустимого порогового значения. Доказано, что информационная энтропия характеризует неопределенность управления, следовательно, ее снижение повышает качество принимаемых управленческих решений за счет актуализации знаний о состоянии управляемой системы. Ключевые слова: энтропия системы; контроль энтропии системы; большая техническая система.
Polischuk Yu. V. Abstract. The paper considers a method for automated control of large technical systems information entropy, which consists in quantifying the current information entropy of the system based on the analysis of the associated operational content and developing recommendations for its reduction to an acceptable threshold value. Information loss about the system state should not exceed a certain threshold value. In the context of this paper, the control of the large technical systems information entropy state is considered. The large technical systems operation process generates the need for management decisions that are characterized by the management process high complexity, the non-standard operational situations emergence, the need to adapt the management process to external disturbances, the discrepancies between the managed system real state and its mapping in the associated operational content. The managerial decisions adoption for large technical systems is implemented by decision-makers group based on factual data analysis obtained from the related operational content. The need for the participation decision-makers group in the decision-making process is dictated by the managed system scale and the management process complexity. The large technical systems complexity, as well as the laboriousness of obtaining and associated operational content processing factual data, contribute to the divergence of the controlled system real state, that reflected in the associated operational content. The latter contributes to the growth of large technical systems information entropy and incorrect management decisions adoption. Thus, the adoption of correct management decisions for large technical systems is only permissible if the condition on the permissible value of information entropy is met. The latter reduces the likelihood of making incorrect management decisions due to the actualization of knowledge about the managed system state. Keywords: Entropy of the system; Control of system entropy; Large technical system.
РусЮ. В. Полищук (Оренбургский государственный университет, Оренбург, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript EngYu. V. Polischuk (Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Рус1. Петров Б. Н. Избранные труды. Т. 1: Теория автоматического управления. М.: Наука, 1983. 432 с. Eng1. Petrov B. N. (1983). Selected works. Vol. 1. Theory of automatic control. Moscow: Nauka. [in Russian language]
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