10.14489/vkit.2017.06.pp.011-016 |
DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2017.06.pp.011-016 Крашенинников В. Р., Кувайскова Ю. Е., Шунина Ю. С., Клячкин В. Н. Аннотация. Рассмотрены математические модели прогнозирования состояния объектов в виде систем временны́ х рядов и многомерных классификаторов. По мере поступления новой информации такие модели обычно устаревают. Показано, что некоторое время адаптация модели к новым данным осуществляется корректировкой ее параметров на основе псевдоградиентной процедуры, однако при существенном изменении ситуации корректировки параметров недостаточно и необходимо изменение структуры модели. Предложены подходы к обновлению структуры моделей. Ключевые слова: временны́ е ряды; прогнозирование; классификация; обновление модели; псевдоградиент.
Krasheninnikov V. R., Kuvayskova Yu. E., Shunina Yu. S., Klyachkin V. N. Abstract. The article considers a predicting of an object’s state, characterized by the feature vector, the values of which change over time. Their dynamics is a system of time series, for the description and analysis of which it is constructed corresponding model to predict the state of the object. One of possible approach to modeling timeseries system is a structural-parametric identification method, based on a joint analysis of the data. For each series of existing series system a model is constructed as the sum of three components: a trend; the harmonic component of the joint or autoregressive model on the cylinder; vector auto regression. To solve the problem of classification adaptive aggregated classifiers are considered, which integrate the results of different classification methods. Constructed models are used for management decisions to eliminate accidents. Thus, it is necessary to consider the possibility that properties of the observed object can vary substantially with time. Therefore, the prediction model must adapt to these changes. For the models adaptation to a new data it is proposed updating procedure for the model parameters based on the numerical method, which adjusts the models coefficients using pseudo-gradient. Sometime later, the structure of the predicting mathematical model can be “outdated ”, and pseudo-gradient procedure (which optimizes only the model parameters) may not be sufficient. In this case, it is proposed to upgrade the model structure. It is shown the results of numerical experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approaches to upgrade forecasting models, presented as time series systems or aggregated classifiers. Keywords: Time series; Predicting; Classification; Model updating; Pseudo-gradient.
РусВ. Р. Крашенинников, Ю. Е. Кувайскова, В. Н. Клячкин (Ульяновский государственный технический университет, Ульяновск, Россия) E-mail:
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EngV. R. Krasheninnikov, Yu. E. Kuvayskova, V. N. Klyachkin (Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia) E-mail:
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Рус1. Клячкин В. Н., Шунина Ю. С. Система оценки кредитоспособности заемщиков и прогнозирования возврата кредитов // Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. 2015. № 11. С. 45 – 51. doi: 10.14489/ vkit.2015.11.pp.045-051 Eng1. Kliachkin V. N., Shunina Iu. S. (2015). System for borrowers’ credit worthiness assessment and repayment of loans forecasting. Vestnik komp'iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii, (11), pp. 45-51. doi: 10.14489/vkit.2015.11. pp.045-051 [in Russian language]
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