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27 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2017.04.pp.029-038

Нурматов А. Т., Селихов Ю. Р., Нурматова Е. В.
(c. 29-38)

Аннотация. Представлены этапы разработки информационной системы оценки состояния нестационарного дискретного канала связи. Использованы различные имитационные модели источников ошибок, типов кода и процедур оценки канала. Приведены результаты моделирования в разработанной системе источников ошибок для дискретного канала без памяти, а также моделей каналов с памятью Гильберта, Эллиота–Гильберта, Беннета–Фройлиха.

Ключевые слова:  метод моделирования дискретного канала связи; модель и источник ошибки; алгоритм оценки состояния канала связи; численное исследование состояния канала связи.


Nurmatov A. T., Selikhov Yu. R., Nurmatova E. V.
(pp. 29-38)

Abstract. The results of the development of information system of assessing the state of the non-stationary discrete communication channel are described. The research was performed on the basis of several sources of error, simulation models, the code type and channel assessment procedures. Descriptions of the block diagram of the algorithm assessing the state of a discrete communication channel without memory, models of Hilbert and Bennet–Froylih algorithms are given. The results of the modeling errors in the communication channel depending on the sample size and the probability of error are shown. The decision-making Wald truncated sequential procedures, and procedures equivalent to the probabilities of Neumann – Pearson error criterion are illustrated. In view of the chosen procedure, channel estimation algorithm for violations of the parity of each word in the frame of telemetry data was developed. The modeling error probability in a discrete channel using model with three stationary states and linear transition from one state to another was performed. Application programming interface consisting of a channel estimation module, a graphical display of channel status and module of statistical data processing are descibed. The initial type of coding system can accept random code, control over the oddparity the amount of characters in words and dual control. Implemented functionality allows to take into account the probability of the channel transition to the bad / good condition and the risk of errors in the communication channel in these states. As numerical indicators, program displays the absolute and relative channel status indicators in the summary tables and the number of errors. The results are interpreted in graphical form. For clarity, the user receives three graphs: the channel status, the result of state evaluation, color display of the communication channel. With applications modeled errors sources for a discrete memoryless channel, and the Hilbert, Elliott–Gilbert Bennett–Froylih models channel with memory. In some cases, the program can be used for experiments in selecting the optimal method of controlling the data link status, and based on it to make the analysis of the model.

Keywords: Communication discrete channel modeling method; Model and source of error; Algorithm of communication channel state assessment; Numerical study of communication channel state.


А. Т. Нурматов, Ю. Р. Селихов (Московский государственный технический университет им. Н. Э. Баумана (национальный исследовательский университет), Москва, Россия)
Е. В. Нурматова (Московский технологический университет, Москва, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript



A. T. Nurmatov, Yu. R. Selikhov (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia)
E. V. Nurmatova (Moscow Technological University, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript



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