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29 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2017.02.pp.026-030

Михеев П. А., Антоненко В. А.
(c. 26-30)

Аннотация. Приведена постановка задачи построения прототипов компьютерных сетей с помощью контейнеров легковесной виртуализации. Предложена система моделирования сетей и работы сетевых приложений, использующая контейнеры приложений. Приведены результаты экспериментального исследования полученной системы.

Ключевые слова:  имитационное моделирование; компьютерная сеть; легковесная виртуализация; контейнер приложений.


Mikheev P. A., Antonenko V. A.
(pp. 26-30)

Abstract. The solution of the network prototypes building problem through container based virtualization is shown. Container based network prototypes can consist of hundreds and thousands network elements (hosts, switches and routers) that are working on a single machine. Using Docker-containers as host machines in simulation allow to work with real network applications, which stored in the container. It is possible to simulate the network application working process in network topology prototype. This container can be obtained from developers and the source code can be not available. The distributed simulation system NPS (Network Prototype Simulator) can create the prototypes of standard and software-defined networks through the Linux containers. Use the combination of modern solutions: the Docker- and the Linux-containers, allowing to start hosts in the prototype with different amount of physical resources and to simulate working process of real network applications. NPS uses VM (Virtual Machines) as base of its infrastructure. VM starts slower then Docker-container. The experimental research has showed that functionality of the NPS VM can be the same using the Docker-containers. But it allows to start NPS more quickly and for every prototype, and this is the proper way to effective resource utilization during the simulation processes. The experimental research chapter consist of two experiments. The first one has showed that the working process of network application, when it is available different amount of physical resources for it, is differ. This functionality will allow NPS users to build more flexible models preparing network prototypes. The second one has showed that the time of prototype building with Docker-containers is less than in case of using the VMs.

Keywords: Network simulation; Computer network; Lightweight virtualization; Docker-сontainer.


П. А. Михеев, В. А. Антоненко (Московский государственный университет им. М. В. Ломоносова, Москва, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


P. A. Mikheev, V. A. Antonenko (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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1. Popek G. J., Goldberg R. P. (1974). Formal requirements for virtualizable third generation architectures. Communications of the ACM, 17(7), pp. 412-421. doi: 10.1145/361011.361073
2. Wang H., Jia Q., Fleck D. et al. (2009). The Heisenberg measuring uncertainty in lightweight virtualization testbeds. Rep. of the 2nd Сonf. on Cyber Security Experi-mentation and Test (CSET – 2009), Montreal, Canada, 10 Aug. 2009, p. 104.
3. Felter W., Ferreira A. (2015). An updated performance comparison of virtual machines and Linux containers. Proc. of IEEE Intern. Symp. on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS–2015), Philadelphia, USA, 29 – 31 Mar. 2015, pp. 171-172.
4. About Docker engine. (2016). Docker Inc. Available at: https://docs.docker.com/engine/ (Accessed: 21.05.2016).
5. Handigol N., Heller B., Jeyakumar V. (2012). Reproducible network experiments using container-based emulation. Proc. of the 8th Intern. Conf. on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNEXT–2012), Nice, France, 10 – 13 Dec. 2012. ACM, pp. 253-264.
6. Keti F., Askar S. (2015). Emulation of software defined networks using mininet in different simulation environments. Proc. of the 6th Intern. Conf. on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISMS–2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9 – 12 Feb. 2015. Washington: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 205-210. doi: 10.1109/ISMS.2015.46
7. Wette P., Dräxler M., Schwabe A. et al. (2014). MaxiNet: distributed emulation of software-defined networks. Proc. of the 2014 IFIP Networking Conf. (Networking 2014), Trondheim, Norway, 2 – 4 Jun. 2014. IEE, pp. 1 – 9. doi: 10.1109/IFIPNetworking.2014.6857078
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10. Antonenko V., Smelyanskiy R., Nikolaev A. (2014). Large scale network simulation based on Hi-Fi approach. Proc. of the 46th Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC–2014) Monterey, USA, 06 – 10 Jul. 2014. Monterey, pp. 20-27.


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