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28 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2015.11.pp.045-051

Клячкин В. Н., Шунина Ю. С.
(c. 45-51)

Аннотация. В целях снижения задолженностей заемщиков и обеспечения возврата кредитов разработана система, позволяющая оценить кредитоспособность заемщика на стадии выдачи кредита (анкетный скоринг) и осуществить прогнозирование его платежеспособности на стадии погашения кредита (поведенческий скоринг). Использованы методы машинного обучения с агрегированием различных классификаторов на основе нейронной сети, логистической регрессии, дискриминантного анализа, байесовского классификатора, метода опорных векторов и др. Для прогнозирования платежеспособности применен аппарат марковских цепей.

Ключевые слова:  скоринг; кредитоспособность; платежеспособность; методы машинного обучения; классификация; агрегирование; марковские цепи.


Klyachkin V. N., Shunina Yu. S.
(pp. 45-51)

Abstract. One of the current issues in the crediting – reducing borrowers’ debt and repayment of loans. It is provided a computer system for credit organizations, which includes two subsystems. Application scoring subsystem allows to evaluate the creditworthiness of the borrower at the stage of the loan issue. The second subsystem (behavioral scoring) is designed to predict the solvency of the client at the stage of the loan maturity. In the application scoring subsystem it is forecasted the clients’ creditworthiness based on personal data. The forecasting problem is reduced to the classification of clients by creditworthiness classes. In order to predict the creditworthiness of new clients it is necessary to prepare  the training set with the “previous” clients, each of them is characterized by a feature vector and creditworthiness. As features usually are used data from the profiles. To solve the problem it is used the machine learning methods with the aggregation of different classifiers. As the based methods are used neural network, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, Bayesian classifier, a support vector machine, and others. Behavioral scoring subsystem provides for each borrower the analysis of the loan account repayment dynamics, depending on the terms of the loan, borrower’s information and credit history as well as forecasting the solvency of the borrower. It is considered the set of clients who have approved the loan and who have some credit history, characterized the timeliness of payments. As models of this subsystem are also used machine learning methods, but in conjunction with Markov chains. It is showed the results of experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Keywords: Scoring; Creditworthiness; Solvency; Methods of machine learning; Classification; Aggregation; Markov chains.


В. Н. Клячкин, Ю. С. Шунина (Ульяновский государственный технический университет) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


V. N. Klyachkin, Yu. S. Shunina (Ulyanovsk State Technical University) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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