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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2015.08.pp.022-028

Бухарин В. В., Карайчев С. Ю., Дворядкин В. В.
(с. 22-28)

Аннотация. Рассмотрен метод сравнительной оценки структур мультисервисной сети в условиях деструктивных воздействий, связанных с влиянием случайных и преднамеренных помех, который позволяет повысить достоверность результатов за счет формирования альтернативных маршрутов к включенным в структуру сети узлам управления сервисами и определения более безопасного маршрута.

Ключевые слова:  мультисервисная сеть; узел управления сервисами; деструктивные воздействия; безопасный маршрут.


Buharin V. V., Karaichev S. Yu., Dvoryadkin V. V.
(pp. 22-28)

Abstract. Currently, when examining the structure of modern multiservice networks (MSN) (telecommunication networks) in consideration of their development, it is necessary to note that the appearance of a node service management (information center) is an important part. The service management nodes in the structure of MSN require a new approach for their comparative evaluation, especially in the destructive effects associated with the influence of accidental and intentional interference. At the same time the increasing role of the service control nodes (data centers) is defined by the fact that they realize the information services network. In such centers two types of user information can be stored, that is the information which is directly necessary for network users; auxiliary service information that promotes an operator to provide services to users. An example of the first type of information resources is web sites where various background information, information resources of dig-ital libraries can be located. For data centers that store the resources of the second type include, for example, multiple authentication and authorization of users, by which the organization that owns the network checks the user's right to receive certain services; billing system counting charge for received services in commercial networks; database account information storing user names and passwords, as well as lists of services subscribed to by each user. Thus, the given functional features of the service control nodes in MSN by the influence of accidental and intentional interference can be defined not only alternative routes between the subscriber and service management node, but also alternative routes from the subscriber to the other nodes in the service management provides the same information services network . The developed method can be used for comparative evaluation of multi-service network structures in terms of the destructive effects as-sociated with the influence of accidental and intentional interference. This method improves the reliability of the comparative evaluation results of the structures due to the formation of MSN alternative routes to the structure included in the MSN service management nodes and determines a safer route.

Keywords: Multiservice network; Node management services; Destructive impact; Safe route.


 В. В. Бухарин, С. Ю. Карайчев, В. В. Дворядкин (Академия Федеральной службы охраны Российской Федерации, г. Орел) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


V. V. Buharin, S. Yu. Karaichev, V. V. Dvoryadkin (Academy of Federal Secuurity Service of the Russian Federation, Orel) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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