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27 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2015.06.pp.034-042

Костин В. Н., Пономарев А. К.
(с. 34-42)

Аннотация. Рассмотрен один из подходов формирования категорий опасных объектов с использованием информационно-вероятностного метода. Дано описание категории объекта размером потенциала опасности в виде величины энтропии. Сформирован возрастающий ряд объектов по степени опасности и произведена их декомпозиция на группы (категории), значимо отличные друг 

от друга по величине энтропии.

Ключевые слова:  категорирование опасных объектов; система физической защиты; информационно-вероятностный метод; энтропия.


Kostin V. N., Ponomarev A. K.
(pp. 34-42)

Abstract. The article gives a brief analysis of the mathematical methods of formation of object classes. Existing methods for classifying objects do not include the weight contribution of the characteristics in the evaluation of the classification criteria and do not allow evaluating whether significant difference between the classes received in their structure. On this basis, the authors propose a probabilistic information decomposition method of multiple objects (systems) on the importance of the various classes of generalized entropy criterion (in this case, each object is described by a plurality of heterogeneous physical characteristics of nature); the method allows to form significantly different classes of objects. Application of the method validated for the categorization of dangerous objects, pre-identify shortcomings of existing methods of categorization: private types of losses are equivalent in the evaluation of the complex index category; criteria for the formation of the categories and the number of mathematically justified. Categorization of objects is carried out at a conceptual level to the integral scale of danger for the expert and regulatory information without analyzing the organizational and functional structure of the object. Each category of the objects is described by the potential danger in the form of a portion of entropy. Formed an increasing number of the population of objects by Hazard (entropy) and made their decomposition into groups (categories), significantly different from each other in magnitude entropy (danger). The method takes into account the importance of the contribution of the characteristics of the formation entropy potential of object classes by introducing assessments P. Fishburne. The advantage of the method is that the importance of different classes (categories of) objects are formed on the basis of the criterion of optimal ratio of entropy portions continuity between adjacent categories of danger which acts as an information measure meaningful development hazard category. This method can be applied in different areas of domain decomposition for the population of objects (systems) at significantly different sets of weight on diverse features or characteristics.

Keywords: Categorization of dangerous objects; System of physical protection; Information likelihood method; Entropy.


В. Н. Костин, А. К. Пономарев (Оренбургский государственный университет) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


V. N. Kostin, A. K. Ponomarev (Orenburg State University) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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