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29 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2015.05.pp.015-019

Ишмухаметова В. Т.
(с. 15-19)

Аннотация. Предложена концепция использования ГИС-технологий для крупномасштабного прогнозирования алмазоносных кимберлито-вых трубок на примере Далдыно-Алакитского района Сибирской платформы. Данная концепция основана на применении комплек-са геофизических и космических методов в сочетании с анализом изотропной трещиноватости горных пород.

Ключевые слова: ГИС-технологии; многозональная космическая съемка; прогнозирование; кимберлитовая трубка; алмазоносность.


Ishmukhametova V. T.
(pp. 15-19)

Abstract. On the example of the Daldyno-Alakitsky region of the Siberian platform the concept of use of GIS-technologies for large-scale fore-casting diamondiferous kimberlite pipes, based on application of a complex of geophysical and space methods in combination with the analysis of an isotropic jointing of rocks is offered. Application of GIS-technologies will allow to lower significantly costs of carrying out prospecting works with preservation of their geological efficiency. Optimization of prospecting works on diamonds in northern part of the Siberian platform should be carried out by way of integration of results of structural and textural drawing of lineament, computer synthesis of space pictures of Landsat in the bands of No. 4 (0.76…0.90 μm), No. 5 (1.55…1.75 μm), No. 7 (2.08…2.35 μm) and magnetic-gravimetric data favorable for identification of kimberlite pipes (∆T = –200…–500 nT, ∆g = (–10…–15) 10–5 m/s2). In total within Daldynsky and Alakit-Markhinsky kimberlite fields 88 threefold “points”, including 14 “points” with the established kimberlites were surveyed. Each of threefold “points” repre-sents the small area of a terrestrial surface limited 1…2′ by width from the north to the south and 2…4′ by longitude from the west to the east. Within each “point” objects answering to reference pipes on values ∆g, ∆T and results of synthesis of space images in the ranges of 4, 5, 7 Landsat were studied. As a result of our researches sites, perspective for kimberlite pipes, both within threefold “points” coinciding with already open kimberlite pipes and within threefold “points” on which kimberlite bodies were not so far revealed. At determination of prospects of one or another threefold “points” on existence of kimberlite bodies except values ∆g, ∆T and the brightness characteristics of Landsat it is necessary to consider existence or absence of ladders. Authentication of sites by land means revealed by a complex of remote methods, perspective for existence of kimberlite bodies will allow to give a practical assessment both to a technique of an isotropic jointing, and the offered way of searches in a data set of gravimetric, magnetometric and multispectral space observation.

Keywords: GIS-technologies; Multispectral satellite images; Forecasting; Kimberlite pipe; Diamondiferous.


В. Т. Ишмухаметова (Научный геоинформационный центр РАН, Москва) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


V. T. Ishmukhametova (Geoinformation Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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