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29 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2015.02.pp.003-008

Кудряшов А. П., Соловьёв И. В.
(с. 3-8)

Аннотация. Рассмотрен метод распознавания контуров зданий и служебной информации на топографическом плане. Предложены метод трехмерной реконструкции объектов городской обстановки по выделенной информации на топографическом плане, а также модификация волнового алгоритма Ли для распознавания контуров и выделения зданий на изображении местности. Дано описание метода выделения и распознавания служебной информации с логическим анализом.

Ключевые слова: распознавание образов; выделение линий; векторизация; реконструкция; топографический план.


Kudrjashov A. P., Soloviov I. V.
(pp. 3-8)

Abstract. In this work we offer a method for the reconstruction of urban space based on topographic maps. Our algorithm allocates special information about buildings on a topographic map. The algorithm gets information about the geometry of each building. This approach also allows getting number of floors in each building. We can create 3D model of scene based on this data. Our algorithm can obtain information about the type of structure. A certain type of building corresponds to a certain texture. Thus, we apply conditional textures on a scene. To make the building look more realistic, we add a simple roof to them. Suggested city space objects reconstruction method use the algorithm to find the shortest way in a labyrinth. Lee wave algorithm is used to recognize buildings shape and contour special information. We offer modification of Lee algorithm to accelerate the reconstruction process. The process of reconstruction of the scene is fully automatic. Textures are automatically applied to the scene. The result is 3D scene, which consists of building models. We demonstrate the algorithm on real Vladivostok maps. Such reconstruction method considerably saves scene modeling time. Described algorithm allows only simplified scene models generation. Nevertheless, these models can be used in applied tasks.

Keywords: Pattern recognition; Selection lines; Vectorization; Reconstruction; Topographic map.


А. П. Кудряшов, И. В. Соловьёв (Институт прикладной математики ДВО РАН, Владивосток) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


A. P. Kudrjashov, I. V. Soloviov (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivostok) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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2. Barinova O., Kuzmishkina A., Vezhnevets A., Vezhnevets V. Learning Class Specific Edges for Vanishing Point Estimation // Proc. of GraphiCon’2007. Russia, Moscow, June 23 – 27, 2007. P. 162 – 165.
3. Жук Д. В., Тузиков А. В. Реконструкция трех-мерной модели по двум цифровым изображениям // Информатика. 2006. № 1. С. 16 – 26.
4. Collomosse J. P. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics – CM20219: Lecture Notes. UK, University of Bath, 2007. 100 p.
5. Shirley P., Marschner S. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. 3rd Edition. Natick, Massachusetts: CRC Press, 2009. 785 p.
6. Introduction to Algorithms / T. H. Cormen et al. 3rd Edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009. 589 p.
7. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice / J. F. Hughes et al. 3rd Edition. Ohio, Willard: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013. 1264 p.


1. Vezhnevets V., Konushin A., Ignatenko A. (2007). Interactive Image-Based Urban Modeling. Proc. of PIA. Munich, Germany, September, pp. 63-68.
2. Barinova O., Kuzmishkina A., Vezhnevets A., Vezhnevets V. (2007). Learning Class Specific Edges for Vanishing Point Estimation. Proc. of GraphiCon’2007. Russia, Moscow, June 23 – 27, pp. 162-165.
3. Zhuk D. V., Tuzikov A. V. (2006). Reconstruction of the three-dimensional model based on two digital imag-es. Informatika, (1), pp. 16-26.
4. Collomosse J. P. (2007). Fundamentals of Computer Graphics – CM20219: Lecture Notes. UK, University of Bath.
5. Shirley P., Marschner S. (2009). Fundamentals of computer graphics. (3rd ed.). Natick, Massachusetts: CRC Press.
6. Cormen T. H. et al. (2009). Introduction to algo-rithms. (3rd ed.). Cambridge, Massachusetts.
7. Hughes J. F. et al. (2013). Computer graphics: Prin-ciples and practice. (3rd ed.). Ohio, Willard: Addison-Wesley Professional.


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