10.14489/vkit.2021.06.pp.003-011 |
DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2021.06.pp.003-011 Шеваль В. В., Кимяев А. И. Аннотация. Введены в рассмотрение два варианта двухканальных структур следящих систем, последовательно используемых в двух режимах функционирования бортовой системы автоматического сопровождения. С учетом факта квантования по уровню сигналов измерения углов рассогласования каждого из каналов обосновано использование во втором режиме автосопровождения не одной, а двух различных структур. С помощью математического моделирования продемонстрирована целесообразность увеличения числа двухканальных структур с двух до трех, используемых в едином процессе автосопровождения по критерию обеспечиваемой динамической точности. Ключевые слова: двухканальные структуры; автоматическое сопровождение; управление авиационными роботами; мультироторные беспилотные летательные аппараты.
Sheval V. V., Kimyaev А. I. Abstract. Two variants of two-channel structures of tracking systems has been introduced into consideration, which are sequentially used in two modes of operation of the on-board automatic tracking system. Taking into account the fact of quantization according to the level of signals for measuring the angles of mismatch of each of the channels, it is justified to use not one, but two different structures in the second auto-tracking mode. Using mathematical modeling, the expediency of increasing the number of two-channel structures from two to three, used in a single auto-tracking process according to the criterion of the provided dynamic accuracy, have been demonstrated. This paper presents a two-channel structures investigation for tracking systems operating in tracking mode of maneuverable targets, taking into account various systems of carrier operations. Considered multichannel complex control system (CCS) structure that include precise channel (PC) and coarse channel (CC). CC use the carrier and the flight control system (FCS) to make rude tracking. The PC function implemented by an optoelectronic device (OED) has placed in a traditional angular mechanical suspension, which act with high accuracy. Described three CCS operation modes classified by target mark fall inside or outside direction finder (DF) CC or PC field of view. At the capture mode can be used only information from the CC DF. At the complex control mode becomes possible to use information from both CC DF and PC DF. At the precision mode, it is advisable to use information only from the PC DF. Developed CCS functioning math model to check main points of this work. Math model makes possible to carry out simulation tests for each mode in a separate operation, as well as when they are integrated into a single complex automatic target tracking mode. Has been described efficiency factor as the total time of satisfactory accuracy relative to entire experiment time. On math model modes efficiency has compared to each other. As result precision mode have higher efficiency and capture mode lowest. As conclusion recommended use a precision mode to achieve higher accuracy at auto tracking tasks. Keywords: Two-channel structures; Auto tracking; Control of aerial robots; Multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle.
РусВ. В. Шеваль, А. И. Кимяев (Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), Москва, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript EngV. V. Sheval, А. I. Kimyaev (Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Рус1. Шеваль В. В., Огольцов И. И., Терсков В. Г. Методы комплексирования объединений следящих приводов бортовых авиационных комплексов: учеб. пособие. М.: БИБЛИО-ГЛОБУС, 2016. 319 с. Eng1. Sheval' V. V., Ogol'tsov I. I., Terskov V. G. (2016). Methods for the integration of servo drives of airborne systems: textbook. Moscow: BIBLIO-GLOBUS. [in Russian language]
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