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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2020.06.pp.012-021

Титарев Д. В., Борзыкин Е. А., Романов А. С., Лапковская Е. И.
(c. 12-21)

Аннотация. Описано проектирование архитектуры системы, отвечающей за безопасное распространение политик и их реализацию на персональных устройствах, используемых в бизнес-целях. Приведены критерии выбора технологий и средств разработки для отдельных системных модулей. Представлена модель системы, отражающая передачу данных между модулями системы. Рассматриваются пять компонентов системы: база данных, консоль управления, сервер, клиент Android и клиент IOS.

Ключевые слова:  IOS; Android; безопасность; управление мобильностью предприятия; дизайн архитектуры; инструменты разработки; интегрированная среда разработки; сеть; база данных.


Titarev D. V., Borzykin E. A., Romanov A. S., Lapkovskaya E. I.
(pp. 12-21)

Abstract. The benefits of the BYOD (Bring Your Oun Device) approach is describes. This approach contributes to greater efficiency of business processes and economy of the enterprise budget. The necessity of focusing on the problem of information security is substantiated. As a solution, a mobile application is proposed that allows to identify the user and distribute security policies to the device. The following describes the problems that arise in the process of solution – problems of transferring data from a mobile device to the storage, the problem of centralized storage of incoming data, assignment of geolocations available for working with the application, and a problem of cross-platform. Further, the task is formulated – to design and develop a universal solution to these problems, since there is no single, universally accessible solution that would satisfy all the described requirements. The next part of the article describes the model of the proposed system, gives its general description in a formalized and graphical form. The article also provides an image and description of the system architecture, consisting of three main parts: IOS client, Android client and server. The advantages of the developed client-server architecture are highlighted: security and centralized access to data. The architecture of each individual part is described with a specification and justification for the choice of libraries and technologies used. The following describes the operation of the system, presents a sequence diagram of the client requests during authorization and receiving a set of policies for a new user, and BPMN diagram of the business process for obtaining Android agent data. Thus, the resulting solution will reduce the cost of administration of mobile devices in a corporate environment.

Keywords: IOS; Android; Security; Enterprise mobility management; Design architecture; Development tools; Integrated development environment; Network; Database.


Д. В. Титарев, Е. А. Борзыкин, А. С. Романов, Е. И. Лапковская (Брянский государственный технический университет, Брянск, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


D. V. Titarev, E. A. Borzykin, A. S. Romanov, E. I. Lapkovskaya (Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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4. Olalere Morufu, Abdullah Mohd, Mahmod Ramlan, Abdullah Azizol. A Review of Bring Your Own Device on Security Issues // SAGE Open. 2015. No. 2.
5. Ratchford M. M., Wang Y. BYOD-Insure: A Security Assessment Model for Enterprise BYOD // Fifth Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ). 2019. Р. 1 – 10.
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8. Downer K., Bhattacharya M. BYOD Security: A New Business Challenge // IEEE International Conference on Smart City/SocialCom/SustainCom (SmartCity). 2015. P. 1128 – 1133.
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10. Flores D. A., Qaz F., Jhumka A. Bring Your Own Disclosure: Analysing BYOD Threats to Corporate Information // IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, Tianjin. 2016. P. 1008 – 1015.
11. Борзыкин Е. А., Романов А. С., Лапковская Е. И., Титарев Д. В. Особенности проектирования системы управления мобильными приложениями в корпоративной среде // Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине. Сб. научных трудов VI Международной научной конференции. Томск, 14-19 октября 2019 г. Томск: Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, 2019 . С. 78 – 84.
12. Tse D., Wang L., Li Y. Mobility Management for Enterprises in BYOD Deployment // IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA. 2016. P. 638 – 645.
13. Research on Multiple Security Authentication Schemes for Mobile Applications of Power Trading Platforms / S. Shi, L. Wang, S. Zheng et al. // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. No. 1(486).
14. Zhou Z., Sun C., Lu J., Lv F. Research and Implementation of Mobile Application Security Detection Combining Static and Dynamic // 10th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA), Changsha. 2018. P. 243 – 247.


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2. Brodin M. (2016). BYOD vs. CYOD – What is the Difference? Proceedings of the 9th IADIS International Conference: Information Systems, pp. 55 – 62.
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4. Olalere Morufu, Abdullah Mohd, Mahmod Ramlan, Abdullah Azizol. (2015). A Review of Bring Your Own Device on Security Issues. SAGE Open, (2).
5. Ratchford M. M., Wang Y. (2019). BYOD-Insure: A Security Assessment Model for Enterprise BYOD. Fifth Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ), pp. 1 – 10.
6. Abd El-Azi A. A., Kannan A. (2014). JSON Encryption. International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, pp. 1 – 6.
7. Unhelkar B., Murugesan S. (2014). The Enterprise Mobile Applications Development Framework. IT Professional, (3), pp. 33 – 39.
8. Downer K., Bhattacharya M. (2015). BYOD Security: A New Business Challenge. IEEE International Conference on Smart City/SocialCom/SustainCom (SmartCity), pp. 1128 – 1133.
9. Heckman R. (2016). The Data Abstraction Layer. Designing Platform Independent Mobile Apps and Services. 1st ed. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press.
10. Flores D. A., Qaz F., Jhumka A. (2016). Bring Your Own Disclosure: Analysing BYOD Threats to Corporate Information. IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, pp. 1008 – 1015. Tianjin.
11. Berestneva O. G., Spitsyn V. V., Trufanov A. I., Gladkova T. A. (Eds.), Borzykin E. A., Romanov A. S., Lapkovskaya E. I., Titarev D. V. (2019). Features of designing a mobile application management system in a corporate environment. Information technologies in science, management, social sphere and medicine. Collection of scientific papers of the VI International Scientific Conference, pp. 78 – 84. Tomsk: Natsional'niy issledovatel'skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet. [in Russian language]
12. Tse D., Wang L., Li Y. (2016). Mobility Management for Enterprises in BYOD Deployment. IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, pp. 638 – 645.
13. Shi S, Wang L, Zheng S. et al. (2019). Research on Multiple Security Authentication Schemes for Mobile Applications of Power Trading Platforms. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 486(1).
14. Zhou Z., Sun C., Lu J., Lv F. (2018). Research and Implementation of Mobile Application Security Detection Combining Static and Dynamic. 10th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA), pp. 243 – 247.Changsha.


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