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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2019.07.pp.039-045

Аббасова Т. С., Артюшенко В. М.
(c. 39-45)

Аннотация. Проведен анализ и синтез алгоритма мониторинга информации и технического состояния оборудования инфокоммуникационных систем, с учетом особенностей действующих помех в высокоскоростных проводных средах передачи. На основе алгоритма разработан набор правил для контроля состояния инфокоммуникационных систем. Показано, что базу знаний, основанных на наборе правил, можно применять не только для оценки состояния инфокоммуникационной системы, но и для управления инвентаризацией информационных ресурсов и организации единого хранилища данных, являющегося основой технического учета кабельных коммуникаций; а также в системах обработки информации и поддержки принятия решений.

Ключевые слова:  системный анализ; интеллектуальная система мониторинга; помехоустойчивая обработка.


Abbasova T. S., Artuschenko V. M.
(pp. 39-45)

Abstract. The analysis and synthesis of the algorithm for monitoring information and the technical condition of the equipment information and communication systems was carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of operating interference in highspeed wired transmission media. To assess the level of electromagnetic interference infocommunications, the relationship between the values of controlled parameters (diagnostic features) and the facts of low productivity (complete absence of connection) in separate subsystems and nodes is formalized. A mathematical formulation of the scientific problem of the study was carried out: to ensure the minimum error with the support of making decisions about determining the level of electromagnetic interference by developing models and algorithms; development of rules in expert systems for analyzing and assessing the state of equipment of integrated information and communication systems. The developed algorithm provides a qualitative and quantitative extension of the monitoring functionality to information management systems and integration with decision support systems. The obtained analytical dependencies to minimize errors when making decisions about the level of noise immunity of modern information and communication equipment will serve in the future as a basis for analyzing existing and synthesizing new monitoring systems. The developed mathematical models for estimating the level of electromagnetic interference information and communication systems form the basis of application programs for simulation modeling of decision support processes on the reliability of performance characteristics and noise immunity of information and communication equipment. Based on the algorithm, a set of rules has been developed for monitoring the state of information and communication systems. It is shown that the knowledge base based on a set of rules can be used not only to assess the state of the information and communication system, but also to manage the inventory of information resources and organize a single data warehouse, which is the basis of technical accounting of cable communications; as well as in information processing and decision support systems.

Keywords: System analysis; Intelligent monitoring system; Noiseproof processing.


Т. С. Аббасова, В. М. Артюшенко (Технологический университет, г. Королев, Московская область, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


T. S. Abbasova, V. M. Artuschenko (University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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