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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2018.08.pp.017-023

Мужичек С. М., Обросов К. В., Ким В. Я., Лисицын В. М.
(c. 17-23)

Аннотация. Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований «человеко-машинной» системы управления летательным аппаратом, обеспечивающей одновременное выполнение летчиком действий, связанных с наведением на наземный объект и огибанием рельефа местности, в критических ситуациях, т.е. в условиях возникновения угрозы столкновения с препятствиями.

Ключевые слова:  маловысотный полет; наведение; психическое напряжение летчика; лазерная локация; информационно-управляющее поле; обработка статистических данных; оценка параметров; моделирование.


Muzhichek S. M., Obrosov K. V., Kim V. Ya., Lisitsyn V. M.
(pp. 17-23)

Abstract. The possibility of piloting and simultaneous the aircraft (A) guidance during a flight at extremely low altitudes (less than 10 m) is largely determined by the effectiveness of the interaction of the ICF (Information-Control Field) with the pilot. The article presents the results of these processes modeling with estimates of the pilot’s mental stress while simultaneously performing two actions: guidance and following the terrain. The use of LL (Laser-Locator), TV (TeleVision) and TRV (TheRmoVision) information is proposed. To indicate the range information at low altitude flight, the “Two majorants method” was previously proposed and justified. The method uses an indication on the screen of the FDM (Flight Direction Mark) and continuous segmentation of the TV (TRV) image on the current LL information. Majorants represents the contours of the objects observed on TV (TRV), which are located at two given distances. The collision threat occurs when the FDM (direction of the velocity vector) is below the upper majorant. The use of laser locator in the aircraft’s forward-view systems and the “Two majorants method ” in the ICF cabin allows the pilot to carry out an accurate guidance on the ground object at altitudes of more than 7.5 m without signs of stress in extreme situations. At the same time, it is necessary to use manual control of flight altitude only in the form of onetime commands, submitted to the automatic following the terrain. The facts of collision with the Earth’s surface were registered in the simulation of flights at altitudes of less than 3 m with a mass experiment equal to 70 flights at each altitude. It is possible to consider stable statistics of misses and the latent periods of the pilot responses with flight altitude more than 10 m. In this case, the average value of the misses practically coincides with the quantile of the level 0.7 of the distribution law. Simultaneous piloting and guidance at altitudes of less than 5 m results in an unacceptably high stress of the pilot. This is manifested in the appearance of inadequate responses, a large spread of latent periods, an increase of 1.5 times or more in the mean of misses, and the frequent occurrence of large misses (more than 30 % of flights).

Keywords: Lowaltitude flight; Guidance; Pilot's mental stress; Laser locator; Information-control field; Processing of statistical data; Estimation of parameters; Simulation.


С. М. Мужичек, К. В. Обросов, В. Я. Ким, В. М. Лисицын (ФГУП «Государственный научно-исследовательский институт авиационных систем» ГНЦ РФ, Москва, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


S. M. Muzhichek, K. V. Obrosov, V. Ya. Kim, V. M. Lisitsyn (State Research Institute  of Aviation Systems State Scientific Center of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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