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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2018.07.pp.044-051

Будников К. И., Курочкин А. В.
(c. 44-51)

Аннотация. Отмечено, что регулирование доступа к запрашиваемой информации в Интернете технически осуществляется при помощи фильтрации запросов пользователей к интернет-ресурсам. Представлена двухканальная симметричная компьютерная модель фильтра HTTP-запросов (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) на пакетном уровне, обеспечивающая регулирование доступа к веб-ресурсу по его URL-адресу (Uniform Resource Locator). Предложена схема ее экспериментального исследования, которая включает структуру и конфигурацию стенда, процедуру проведения испытаний, способ получения данных и оценки параметров устройства. Рассмотрена возможность распространения схемы для изучения характеристик аналогичного оборудования. Приведены результаты экспериментальных испытаний модели.

Ключевые слова:  фильтрация HTTP-трафика; анализ сетевых пакетов; регламентирование доступа к веб-ресурсу.


Budnikov K. I., Kurochkin A. V.
(pp. 44-51)

Abstract. Among information resources in the Internet there are a large number of those, access to which needs to be restricted for reasons of an age or moral and ethical nature, prevention of negative consequences, security requirements, copyright, labor regime, etc. The abundance and diversity of which raises the question of improving the methods and means for regulating the process of obtaining information from the network. Various methods are used to provide selective access to Internet information. The way to filter requests to a resource by its URL can be considered as the most balanced in relation to the existing ones by its merits and shortcomings. Using it, one can filter a particular Internet resource without blocking the rest, located on the same web server. A specially installed program filters information for a separate Internet access device: computer, smartphone, tablet. For a group of devices, this process is performed by a filtering device, through which they get access to the Internet. One of the main tasks of modeling during the development of such equipment is the determination and reducing costs during the filtering process when transmitting packets. There is a need to improve existing and develop new methods of experimental research, intended directly for HTTP filters, in the framework of which the processes typical for device operation would be modeled. A two-channel symmetric computer model of HTTP requests filter at the packet level, which provides regulation of access to the web resource by its URL is presented in the paper. It has two symmetrical connection points and is set into the break of the connection between the client network and Internet. The model consists of two equivalent channels, which provide the passage through the device of packet traffic and its filtration. The scheme of its experimental study is proposed. It includes the structure and configuration of the test bench, the procedure for carrying out the tests, the method of obtaining data and estimating the parameters of the model. The method can be extended to study the characteristics of similar equipment. The results of experimental testing of the model are shown.

Keywords: HTTP traffic filtering; Network packets analysis; Regulation of access to a web resource.


К. И. Будников, А. В. Курочкин (Институт автоматики и электрометрии Сибирского отделения РАН, Новосибирск, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


K. I. Budnikov, A. V. Kurochkin (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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