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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2018.03.pp.011-019

Князь В. А., Степаньянц Д. Г., Максимов А. А.
(c. 11-19)

Аннотация. Рассмотрена задача оценки точности трехмерной модели рельефа местности, построенной по последовательности снимков, сделанных беспилотным летательным аппаратом. Определены основные факторы, влияющие на точность метода построения модели рельефа, предложена методика объективной оценки точности работы алгоритмов измерения трехмерных координат рельефа. Приведены результаты сравнения работы разработанного и существующих алгоритмов.

Ключевые слова:  беспилотный летательный аппарат; 3D-модель поверхности; калибровка; оценка неизвестных параметров; точность измерений; дескрипторы характерных черт.


Knyaz V. A., Stepanyantc D. G., Maksimov A. A.
(pp. 11-19)

Abstract. The problem of estimating the accuracy of a three-dimensional terrain model based on a sequence of images taken from an unmanned aerial vehicle is considered. The main factors affecting the accuracy of the method of constructing the relief model are considered, and a method is proposed for an objective estimation of the accuracy of the algorithms for measuring the three-dimensional coordinates of the relief. Two type of unmenned aerial vehicle camera calibration are considered: preliminary (on-line) calibration using precise test field and on-line calibration using images of reconstructed 3D-scene. Original technique for automated on-line calibration is proposed. It uses corresponding features detected in images and measured with subpixel accuracy. For reliable accuracy estimation of scene 3D-reconstruction special reference scene was created. A scene 3D-model was obtained by original 3D-scanning system with high accuracy. This 3D-model was used as a ground truth for results comparison. The results of evaluation showed that the off-line calibration provides approximately 3 times better accuracy of 3D-reconstruction, but the proposed technique of the on-line calibration allows to achieve reasonable accuracy for tasks of navigation and control. The results of the comparison of the work of the developed algorithm and the existing ones are given.

Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicle; Surface 3D-model; Orientation; Unknown parameters estimation; Feature detection and tracking; Feature descriptor.


В. А. Князь, Д. Г. Степаньянц, А. А. Максимов (ФГУП «ГосНИИ авиационных систем», ГНЦ РФ, Москва, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


V. A. Knyaz, D. G. Stepanyantc, A. A. Maksimov (State Research Institute of Aviation Systems State Scientific Center of Russio Federation, Moscow, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


1. Князь В. А., Степаньянц Д. Г., Тюфлин Ю. С. Автоматическое построение трехмерной модели сцены по данным съемки беспилотными летательными аппаратами // Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. 2017. № 3. С. 25 – 33.
2. Тюфлин Ю. С., Князь В. А., Степаньянц Д. Г. Оперативный мониторинг земной поверхности средствами беспилотных летательных аппаратов // Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. 2015. № 4. С. 25 – 30.
3. Nocerino E., Menna F., Remondino F. Accuracy of Typical Photogrammetric Networks in Cultural Heritage 3D-modeling Projects // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. 2014. V. XL, № 5. P. 465 – 472.
4. Beyer H. Advances in Characterization and Calibration of Digital Imaging Systems // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. 1992. V. XXIX, № 5. P. 545 – 555.
5. Hartley R. I., Zisserman A. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision. Cambridge University Press. 2004. 655 р.
6. Szeliski R. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. Springer London. 2011. P. 303 – 334.
7. Lowe D. G. Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints // Int. Journal of Computer Vision. 2004. V. 60, № 2. P. 91 – 110.
8. Harris C. A., Stephens M. Combine Corner and Edge Detector // Fourth Alvey Vision Conference. 1988. P. 147 – 151.
9. Matas J., Chum O., Urban M., Pajdla T. Robust Wide-baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions // Image and Vision Computing. 2004. V. 22, № 10. P. 761 – 767.
10. Morel J. M., Yu G. ASIFT: A New Framework for Fully Affine Invariant Image Comparison // SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 2009. V. 2, № 2. P. 438 – 469.
11. Large-Scale Data for Multiple-View Stereopsis / Henrik Aanæs, Rasmus Ramsbøl Jensen, George Vogiatzis et al. // Int. Journal of Computer Vision. 2016. Nov. V. 120, № 2. P. 153 – 168.
12. Cordes K., Rosenhahn B., Ostermann J. High-Resolution Feature Evaluation Benchmark // Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Springer. 2013. P. 327 – 334.
13. Knyaz V., Zheltov S. Accuracy Evaluation of Structure from Motion Surface 3D-reconstruction // Proc. SPIE. 2017. V. 10332. P. 10332 – 10332 – 10.
14. Knyaz V. A., Chibunichev A. G. Photogrammetric Techniques for Road Surface Analysis // ISPRS – Int. Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Inf. Sciences. 2016/06/16. V. XLI-B5. P. 515 – 520. URL: https://www.int-arch-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/ XLI-B5/515/2016/ (дата обращения: 02.02.2018).
15. Knyaz V. A. Multi-media Projector – Single Camera Photogrammetric System For Fast 3D-Reconstruction // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. 2010. V. XXXVIII, № 5. P. 343 – 348.


1. Kniaz' V. A., Stepan'iants D. G., Tiuflin Iu. S. (2017). Automated terrain 3-dimensional model generation from unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. Vestnik komp'iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii, (3), pp. 25-33. doi: 10.14489/vkit.2017.03.pp.025-033 [in Russian language]
2. Tiuflin Iu. S., Kniaz' V. A., Stepan'iants D. G. (2015). Earth surface monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles. Vestnik komp'iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii, 130(4), pp. 25-30. doi: 10.14489/vkit.2015.04.pp.025-030 [in Russian language]
3. Nocerino E., Menna F., Remondino F. (2014). Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D-modeling projects. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL(5), pp. 465-472.
4. Beyer H. (1992). Advances in characterization and calibration of digital imaging systems. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXIX(5), pp. 545-555.
5. Hartley R. I., Zisserman A. (2004). Multiple view geometry in computer vision. Cambridge University Press.
6. Szeliski R. (2011). Computer vision: algorithms and applications, (pp. 303-334). Springer London.
7. Lowe D. G. (2004). Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints. International Journal of Computer Vision, 60(2), pp. 91-110.
8. Harris C. A., Stephens M. (1988). Combine corner and edge detector. Fourth Alvey Vision Conference, pp. 147-151.
9. Matas J., Chum O., Urban M., Pajdla T. (2004). Robust wide-baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions. Image and Vision Computing, 22(10), pp. 761-767.
10. Morel J. M., Yu G. (2009). ASIFT: a new framework for fully affine invariant image comparison. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2(2), pp. 438-469.
11. Henrik Aanæs, Rasmus Ramsbøl Jensen, George Vogiatzis et al. (2016). Large-scale data for multipleview stereopsis. International Journal of Computer Vision, Nov. 120(2), pp. 153-168.
12. Cordes K., Rosenhahn B., Ostermann J. (2013). High-resolution feature evaluation benchmark. Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), (pp. 327-334). Springer.
13. Knyaz V., Zheltov S. (2017). Accuracy evaluation of structure from motion surface 3D-reconstruction. Proc. SPIE, 10332, pp. 10332 – 10332 – 10.
14. Knyaz V. A., Chibunichev A. G. (2016). Photogrammetric techniques for road surface analysis. ISPRS – Int. Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Inf. Sciences, 2016.06.16, XLI-B5, pp. 515-520. Available at: https://www.int-arch-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/ XLI-B5/515/2016/ (Accessed: 02.02.2018).
15. Knyaz V. A. (2010). Multimedia projector – single camera photogrammetric system for fast 3D-reconstruction. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXXVIII(5), pp. 343-348.


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