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07 | 03 | 2025

 DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2017.04.pp.045-050

Беришева Е. Д., Крушель Е. Г.
(c. 45-50)

Аннотация. Предложено обоснование изменений параметров транспортной системы (ТС) городского общественного пассажирского автотранспорта в результате внедрения мероприятий по повышению эффективности, планируемых муниципалитетом небольшого города. Введен векторный критерий, состоящий из частных показателей качества работы ТС с позиций различных социальных групп. Предложены способы скаляризации векторного критерия. Дана оценка вариантов значений параметров ТС, последовательно оптимизирующих каждый из компонентов векторного критерия при скаляризации. Приведен пример эффективной векторной оптимизации для нахождения компромиссных значений параметров ТС, приемлемых для всех заинтересованных социальных групп.

Ключевые слова:  многокритериальная оптимизация; скаляризация векторного критерия; компромисс; транспортная система с муниципальной и частной формами собственности; рациональный выбор параметров транспортной системы.


Berisheva E. D., Krushel E. G.
(pp. 45-50)

Abstract. The common problem of article concerns the control of small city social passengers transport system with two forms of transport facilities ownership i.e. the municipal ownership as well as the properties of the private transport units’ owners. Particularly the item deals with the approach to the problem of the transport system parameters vector rational choice. The elements of parameters vector are follows: the passengers fare, transport facilities number, and the profit at each of the transport routes as well as the passengers flow at each of the small city transport net arcs. The rational choice problem statement follows the multi-objective optimization theory approach. The choice of such approach is validated by the necessity to take into account the partial conflicts of the different social groups’ interests in the transport system performance (i.e. the interests of the groups of passengers, transport facilities owners, the organization of road traffic control, and the municipal governance). The particular objectives are proposed for the transport system efficiency appraisal from each social group points of view. These particular objectives are treated as the components of the vector criterion. The optimization of latter leads to the achievement of the transport system parameters compromising values acceptable to the social groups mentioned above. Two variants of the vector criterion scalarization are proposed. First variant replaces the vector criterion by the scalar sum of vector components normed deviations from their optimal values (i.e. from the potentially attainable value when the given component serves as the scalar objective in the transport system parameters choice problem). The second one follows the ideas of the Chebyshev’s leveling which leads to the minimax determination of the common bound for each vector component normed deviation from its optimal value. The examples of the parameters choice proposed technique show the advantages of the multi-objective optimization. The determined values of the particular objectives by means of the multi-objective optimization procedures appear to be acceptable for each social group whereas the optimization of anyone of the partial objectives leads to the inadmissible losses in the remaining partial objectives values. The reasons of the municipal governance participation in the control dealing with not only municipal transport activity but also private one were mentioned out. Particularly the desirability of transform of the present two-level control structure (route owner – individual transport facility owner) to three-level structure, high (municipal) level of which is ought to coordinate the action of the city transport system as a whole. The results of research may be useful for the city municipal governance activity directed to the improvement of transport system operation.

Keywords: Multi-objective optimization; Vector criterion scalarization; Compromise; Transport system with the municipal and private forms of ownership; Rational parameters choice.


 Е. Д. Беришева, Е. Г. Крушель (Камышинский технологический институт (филиал) Волгоградского государственного технического университета, г. Камышин, Волгоградская обл., Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


E. D. Berisheva, E. G. Krushel (Kamyshin Technological Institute (Branch) of Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Volgograd State Technical University”, Kamyshin, Volgograd region, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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