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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2016.02.pp.028-033

Веретенников А. Б.
(c. 28-33)

Аннотация. Рассмотрены способ и преимущества создания многопанельных интерфейсов любого уровня сложности на скриптовых язы-ках. В качестве примера проанализирована разработка многопанельного интерфейса. Модель, не зависящая от конкретной реализации, представлена в виде программной библиотеки.

Ключевые слова:  многопанельный интерфейс; JavaScript графический интерфейс пользователя; скриптовые языки.


Veretennikov А. B.
(pp. 28-33)

Abstract. Scripting languages such as JavaScript are proven to be the effective way to build Web interfaces, but have limited features to build interfaces of Desktop applications. But a method to create complex user interfaces of the Desktop applications exists. For example we are considering the dockable windows interface. A user interface usually consists of some panels. The docking framework provides a way to change layout. The user can move panels by using drag and drop from one place to another and can change size of the panels. Dockable windows are used in the Microsoft Visual Studio and Eclipse. In this paper a docking framework for scripting languages, its model and API are presented. The goal is to develop as simple and concise API as possible. An implementation of the model is provided. Model itself is not dependent on the implementation. Building user interface using scripting languages have advantages described in the paper. Scripting languages are often referred to as glue languages or ever system integration languages. They are intended for connecting components developed with other languages. With scripting languages the system business logic can be isolated from the user interface. The user interface can be rapidly developed, supported and updated.

Keywords: Docking framework; JavaScript GUI; Scripting languages.


А. Б. Веретенников (Уральский федеральный университет им. первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


А. B. Veretennikov (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Еkaterinburg) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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7. Automation (Formerly Known as OLE Automation) [Электронный ресурс]: офиц. сайт. URL: https://msdn. microsoft.com/en-us/library/dt80be78.aspx (дата обращения: 01.08.2015).
8. Krasner G., Pope S. A Cookbook for Using the Model-view Controller User Interface Paradigm in Smalltalk-80 // Journal of Object-Oriented Programming archive. 1988. V. 1, № 3. Р. 26 – 49.
9. Ousterhout J. Scripting: Higher-Level Programming for the 21st Century // IEEE Computer. 1998. Р. 23 – 30.
10. Schneider J., Nierstrasz O. Components, Scripts and Glue // Software Architectures – Advances and Applications. Springer. 1999. Р. 13 – 25.
11. Ousterhout J. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. USA: Addison-Wesley, 1995. 142 р.
12. Ousterhout J. An X11 Toolkit Based on the Tcl Language // Proceedings of the 1991 Winter USENIX Conference, January 1991. P. 105 – 115.
13. Shibata H., Omura K. Docking Window Frame-work: Supporting Multitasking by Docking Windows // Proc. of APCHI’12. NY: ACM, 2012. Р. 227 – 236.
14. Shibata H., Omura K. Reducing the Cost of Window Operations by Docking Windows // International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2013. № 9(12). Р. 4665 – 4679.
15. JIDE Docking Framework [Электронный ресурс]: офиц. сайт. URL: http://www.jidesoft.com/products/ dock.htm (дата обращения: 01.08.2015).


1. ECMA-262. ECMAScript Language Specification 6th Edition: official site. Available at: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm/ (Accessed: 01.08.2015).
2. Google. V8 JavaScript Engine: official site. Available at: http://code.google.com/apis/v8/ (Accessed: 01.08.2015).
3. Wall L., Schwartz R. (1990). Programming Perl. USA: O’Reilly and Associates.
4. Extreme makeover: wrap your scripts up in a GUI interface. Available at: https://technet. microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee692768.aspx (Accessed: 01.08.2015).
5. Veretennikov A. B. (2008). Library for design windows interface on any script languages in Windows OS. Information and mathematical technologies in economy, technology and education. Ekaterinburg: UGTU-UPI, pp. 220-221.
6. WindowSystemObject: official site. Available at: http://veretennikov.org (Accessed: 01.08.2015).
7. Automation (Formerly known as OLE automation): official site. Available at: https://msdn. microsoft.com/en-us/library/dt80be78.aspx (Accessed: 01.08.2015).
8. Krasner G., Pope S. (1988). A cookbook for using the model-view controller user interface paradigm in Smalltalk-80. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming archive, Vol. 1, (3), pp. 26-49.
9. Ousterhout J. (1998). Scripting: higher-level pro-gramming for the 21st century. IEEE Computer, pp. 23-30.
10. Schneider J., Nierstrasz O. (1999). Components, scripts and glue. Software Architectures – Advances and Applications. Springer, pp. 13-25.
11. Ousterhout J. (1995). Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. USA: Addison-Wesley.
12. Ousterhout J. (1991). An X11 toolkit based on the Tcl language. Proceedings of the 1991 Winter USENIX Conference, January 1991, pp. 105-115.
13. Shibata H., Omura K. (2012). Docking window framework: supporting multitasking by docking windows. Proc. of APCHI’12. NY: ACM, pp. 227-236.
14. Shibata H., Omura K. (2013). Reducing the cost of window operations by docking windows. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 12(9), pp. 4665-4679.
15. JIDE Docking Framework: official site. Available at: http://www.jidesoft.com/products/dock.htm (Accessed: 01.08.2015).


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