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12 | 03 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2014.010.pp.003-008

Каравайков В. М., Киселев Н. В., Волков И. О.
(с. 3-8)

Аннотация. Разработана компьютерная модель секции культивационного сооружения закрытого грунта. Рассмотрена задача расчета температурного поля в ее полости, прилегающих областях грунта и воздушного пространства, включающая геометрическую модель расчетной области, генерацию и задания свойств доменов, материалов, граничных условий, создание интерфейсов между доменами.

Ключевые слова: культивационное сооружение; компьютерная модель; расчетная область; граничные условия.


Karavajkov V. M., Kiselyov N. V., Volkov I. O.
(pp. 3-8)

Abstract. In article the computer model of section of a construction of cultivation of the closed ground, including geometrical model of settlement area, generation and the task of properties of domains, the task of properties of materials, creation of interfaces between domains, the task of boundary conditions is developed. The computer model of section of a construction of cultivation of the closed ground allows to solve a problem of calculation of a tempera-ture field in its cavity and adjoining areas of a ground and air space taking into account geometrical parameters of a design, an arrangement and temperature of a surface of heating devices lateral, over soil, under soil and planimetric heating, thermal and physical properties of air and a ground, and also thermal resistance of protecting designs without thermal resistance of return of heat on their external and internal surfaces which is automatically considered by modeling of processes of an exchange by heat and weight in adjoining interfaces of air. The computer model of the heating greenhouse compartment, including geometrical model, generation and setting up the properties of domains, materials, creation the interfaces between domains, creation of boundary conditions is developed. The computer model allows the calculation of a temperature field in the compartment and adjoining areas of the ground and exterior air, taking into account geometrical parameters of the design, the arrangement and temperature of heating devices surfaces over ground, under ground and contour heating, thermal and physical properties of air and a ground, and also thermal resistance of greenhouse glazing. The solution of this problem was carried out in a two-dimensional setting, the cross-section of the last greenhouse compartment was considered. In these circumstances it is impossible to take into account the temperature change of the coolant along the length of the heating system pipes and therefore the resulting estimates of the heating devices temperature should be considered as an average temperature along the length of the pipe. The simulation of the greenhouse thermal regime were done for the winter, as the basic operating costs associated with heating. The simulation shows that the use of glazing with high thermal resistance (double glazing, polycarbonate) in the greenhouses with water heating system can significantly reduce the non-uniformity of the temperature field in the greenhouse air and in the plants root zone of ground. Also it is possible by this model to determine the transfer function of the greenhouse as a management object. This function can be obtained by calculating the transient temperature change of the air in the greenhouse as a result of the step change of the temperature of the heat carrier in the heating system.

Keywords: Greenhouse; Computer model; Temperature fields; Boundary conditions.


В. М. Каравайков, Н. В. Киселев, И. О. Волков (Костромской государственный технологический университет) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


V. M. Karavajkov, N. V. Kiselyov, I. O. Volkov (Kostroma State Technological University) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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