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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2014.08.pp.003-010

Боев С. Ф.
(c. 3-10)

Аннотация. Предложен подход к проектированию и созданию радиолокационных станций дальнего обнаружения (РЛС ДО) с применением унифицированной структуры блочно-модульной открытой архитектуры. Подход основан на построении единой базовой платформы для проектирования и создания новых РЛС ДО и реализует концепцию постепенного (эволюционного) наращивания возможностей вновь создаваемых РЛС ДО нового поколения. Приведено формализованное описание платформы и рассмотрены особенности организации системы автоматизированного эскизно-технического проектирования новых образцов РЛС ДО на ее основе. Применение предложенного подхода способствует сокращению сроков проектирования изделий и повышению качества и успешности проектов по созданию РЛС ДО новых поколений.

Ключевые слова: радиолокационные станции дальнего обнаружения; унифицированная структура; блочно-модульная открытая архитектура; единая базовая платформа; характеристический портрет; ряд развития; системы автоматизированного проектирования; эскизное и техническое проектирование.


Boev S. F.
(pp. 3-10)

Abstract. The experience of designing of new generations FDRS (Far Detection Radar Stations), accumulated to date in JSC «RTI», is reflected in the article. This experience uses the so-called principle of capacity building. In accordance with this principle the creation of a new sample of the product is organized in whole as improvement, modernization of products in the number of development. To take full advantage of this principle the concept of a common organization of the unified system base is presented as platform design system. This platform allows to develop and to integrate automation used at the stages of conceptual and engineering designs of new FDRS. The proposed platform is universal integration tool, which contains the formation logic of the basic design decisions in the form of the imaging of FDRS. The formalized description of a platform and the peculiarities of the organization of the automated technical sketch design system of new samples of FDRS on its basis are presented. In general, the platform contains two parts: the information base and process parts, which are connected via an internal information interface. This platform structure reflects the need for the use of the information providing and implementation of targeted actions for the analysis and to take decisions in the process of design products. General organization of the platform tools streamlines the design choices based on a system of formal models and methods for selection of preferred options for structural imaging FDRS. Used the criterion of selecting options generally corresponds to the policy-making design decisions aimed at minimizing the risks of design or maintain an acceptable level of such risks. Two main types of risks are considered in the functional criterion: violations of the given terms of manufacturing and exceeding the planned cost of production. The formalization and the logic of forming solutions used in the platform are the basis for its practical software implementation in the form of a system of automated design of FDRS to the stage of conceptual design and its integration in the overall designing process. Object-oriented representation of the platform creates favorable conditions for implementation of program development of this system with the use of CASE-technologies. Integrated automation of sketch design and technical design based on one platform actually defines the basis for creation of uniform automated system of technical sketch design FDRS. Automation of designing process new FDRS on the basis of the proposed unified platform streamlines the combination of such successfully proven system design principles of complex technical systems, as unification and modularity, the hierarchical structure, openness, integration, expansion capacity. It promotes the reduction of terms of designing products and increase the quality and success of the projects for creation of new generations FDRS.

Keywords: Far detection radar stations; Unified structure; Block-modular open architecture; Single base platform; Characteristic portrait; Number of development; Computer aided design; Schematic and engineering design.


С. Ф. Боев (Открытое акционерное общество «РТИ», Москва) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


S. F. Boev (Open Joint Stock Company «RTI», Moscow) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


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