10.14489/vkit.2014.01.pp.045-048 |
DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2014.01.pp.045-048 Дрягин С. А. Аннотация. Рассмотрен метод эффективного распределения сетевой нагрузки, учитывающий типы передаваемого трафика и требования к пропускной способности. Предложена модель динамического конфигурирования политик качества обслуживания с учетом прогнозирования параметров трафика. Ключевые слова: качество обслуживания; управление трафиком; сетевой трафик, видеоконференцсвязь.
Abstract. Maintaining quality for audio conferencing and videoconferencing is a challenge for most Quality of Service solutions. The article presents the method of effective distribution network load, taking into account the types of data traffic and bandwidth requirements. It offers a model of the dynamic configuration Quality of Service with the forecasting of the parameters of the traffic. Predicting future values of Quality of Service attributes can assist in the management of intensive systems by preventing Quality of Service disorders before they happen. Also, it describes how to improve the quality of audio conferencing systems and videoconferencing systems. The primary challenges in deploying a videoconferencing solution are its bandwidth requirements and real-time parameters. The routers and switches typically have basic, static Quality of Service features, which are unable to handle the demands of dynamic videoconferencing traffic. Most commonly, routers and switches ensure the performance of critical traffics by assigning dedicated bandwidth through traffic prioritization mechanism. This works for some static decisions, but audio conferencing and videoconferencing systems is highly dynamic and the number of concurrent media flows is uncertain. Adaptive method capabilities provide the ability to adjust policy dynamically to underlying traffic conditions. The model offers guaranteed videoconferencing performance links by employing per-flow control technologies capable of decrease IP congestion and avoiding packet loss. Keywords: Quality of service; Traffic management; Network traffic; Videoconferencing.
РусС. А. Дрягин (Ульяновский государственный университет) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript EngS. A. Dryagin (Ulyanovsk State University) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Рус1. Таненбаум Э. Компьютерные сети: учеб. пособие. 4-е изд. СПб.:
Питер, 2003. 992 с. Eng1. Tanenbaum E. (2003). Computer networks: a textbook. (4th ed.). St. Petersburg: Piter.
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