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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2022.12.pp.038-045

Харитонов И. М., Огар Т. П., Щербин С. И., Степанченко И. В.
(с. 38-45)

Аннотация. Рассматриваются вопросы повышения качества обучения в вузе за счет выработки рекомендации абитуриенту по поступлению в вуз на подходящее направление обучения. Прогнозирование успеваемости абитуриента для выбранного направления обучения позволяет снизить риск выбора ошибочного направления и, как следствие, повысить уровень овладения необходимыми компетенциями при обучении в вузе. Для прогнозирования используется нейросетевая модель, описывающая взаимосвязь между предикторами, отражающими качество обучения абитуриента в средней школе, и критериальной переменной, отражающей компетентность студента планируемого направления обучения. Представлены результаты работы данной модели для реальных исходных данных студентов направления «Информатика и вычислительная техника» нескольких лет обучения. Показана эффективность применения предлагаемой модели прогнозирования с достаточной степенью точности для имеющихся статистических данных.

Ключевые слова:  прогнозирование успеваемости; выбор направления обучения; нейросетевая модель.


Kharitonov I. M., Ogar T. P., Shcherbin S. I., Stepanchenko I. V.
(pp. 38-45)

Abstract. The issues of improving the quality of education at the university by developing a recommendation to the applicant for admission to a university in a suitable field of study are considered. Predicting the student's academic performance for the chosen field of study reduces the risk of choosing the wrong direction, and, as a result, increases the level of mastery of appropriate competencies when studying at a university. The successful experience of foreign universities using machine learning methods to study the quality of students’ education in universities is considered. For forecasting, the authors use a neural network model describing the relationship between predictors and a criterion variable. Indicators reflecting the quality of the applicant’s education in secondary school were chosen as predictors. Objective data of indicators acting as predictors are considered: grades in school natural science disciplines, scores of the unified and main state exam in natural science disciplines, the average score of the certificate. As a criterion variable, the average assessment of the teachers of the graduating department was chosen, reflecting the level of mastering the core competencies. The results of the work of this model for real source data of students of the direction “Computer Science and Computer Engineering” of several years of study are presented. The effectiveness of the proposed forecasting model with a sufficient degree of accuracy for the available statistical data is shown. To check the adequacy of the proposed model, a multidimensional linear regression model is constructed. The main indicators of this model are described, their values are given. The conclusion is made about the success of the proposed forecasting model and suggests ways to further improve the accuracy of the forecast.

Keywords: Predicting academic performance; Choice of study direction; Neural network model.


И. М. Харитонов, Т. П. Огар, С. И. Щербин, И. В. Степанченко (Камышинский технологический институт (филиал) Волгоградского государственного технического университета, Камышин, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


I. M. Kharitonov, T. P. Ogar, S. I. Shcherbin, I. V. Stepanchenko (Kamyshin Technological Institute (Branch) of Volgograd State Technical University, Kamyshin, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


1. Kharitonov I. M., Krushel E. G., Stepanchenko O. V., Privalov O. O. Higher School Education Quality Forecasting by Regression Analysis Methods / eds. A. G. Kravets, A. A. Bolshakov, M. V. Shcherbakov // Cyber-Physical Systems: Design and Application for Industry 4.0. Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2021. P. 383 – 397.
2. Lesinski G., Corns S., Dagli C. H. Application of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Graduation Success at the United States Military Academy // Procedia Computer Science. 2016. V. 95. P. 375 – 382.
3. Aydoğdu Ş. Predicting Student Final Performance Using Artificial Neural Networks in Online Learning Environments // Education and Information Technologies. 2020. V. 25(1). P. 1 – 15.
4. Mubarak A. U. Student Academic Performance Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study // International Journal of Computer Applications. 2019. V. 178(48). P. 24 – 29.
5. Oladokun V. O., Adebanjo A. T., Charles-Owaba O. E. Predicting Students’ Academic Performance Using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study of an Engineering Course // The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 2008. V. 9(1). P. 72 – 79.
6. Altabrawee H., Jaleel Ali O. A., Ajmi S. Q. Predicting Students’ Performance Using Machine Learning Techniques // Journal of University of Babylon, Pure and Applied Sciences. 2019. V. 27(1). P. 194 – 205.


1. Kravets A. G., Bolshakov A. A., Shcherbakov M. V. (Eds.), Kharitonov I. M., Krushel E. G., Stepanchenko O. V., Privalov O. O. (2021). Higher School Education Quality Forecasting by Regression Analysis Methods. Cyber-Physical Systems: Design and Application for Industry 4.0, pp. 383 – 397. Switzerland: Springer Cham.
2. Lesinski G., Corns S., Dagli C. H. (2016). Application of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Graduation Success at the United States Military Academy. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 95, pp. 375 – 382.
3. Aydoğdu Ş. (2020). Predicting Student Final Performance Using Artificial Neural Networks in Online Learning Environments. Education and Information Technologies, Vol. 25(1), pp. 1 – 15.
4. Mubarak A. U. (2019). Student Academic Performance Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study. International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 178(48), pp. 24 – 29.
5. Oladokun V. O., Adebanjo A. T., Charles-Owaba O. E. (2008). Predicting Students’ Academic Performance using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study of an Engineering Course. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9(1), pp. 72 – 79.
6. Altabrawee H., Jaleel Ali O. A., Ajmi S. Q. (2019). Predicting Students’ Performance Using Machine Learning Techniques. Journal of University of Babylon, Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 27(1), pp. 194 – 205.


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