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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2022.01.pp.011-017

Полищук Ю. В.
(c. 11-17)

Аннотация. При эксплуатации больших производственных систем задействовано множество различных организаций. Данный процесс сопровождается подготовкой эксплуатационной документации, которая формируется этими организациями. Эффективность эксплуатации больших производственных систем зависит, в частности, от скорости обработки фактографических данных эксплуатационной документации. Таким образом, актуально решение проблемы реализации семантической интероперабельности фактографических данных эксплуатационной документации.

Ключевые слова:  фактографические данные; семантическая интероперабельность; эксплуатационная документация; большие производственные системы.


Polishuk Yu. V.
(pp. 11-17)

Abstract. The creation and operation of large production systems (LPS), consisting of a set of enterprises and organizations, characterized by their complex interaction, is one of the directions of industrial development in our country. The advantage of the LPS is to increase the efficiency of its functioning, build up scientific potential, and coordinate the enterprises and organizations that are part of it. The production activity of any enterprise is associated with solving the problems of making management decisions, which is based on the processing of exploitative factographic data. By the exploitative content of an enterprise, we mean significant information content for the process of its operation, which is stored in the form of an information resource (for example, an electronic document). Factographic data allow you to monitor the current state of the enterprise, to determine the strategic, tactical, exploitative goals and objectives of the enterprise, to develop well-grounded and timely management decisions. The processing of exploitative factographic data of operational content requires the involvement of additional resources for its processing, which is explained by the low formalizability of the exploitative content and the lack of implementation of semantic interoperability. Semantic interoperability is understood as “the ability of any information systems interacting in the process of communication to understand in the same way the meaning of the information they exchange”. Thus, the actual problem of the operation of large production systems is the implementation of the semantic interoperability of factual data of operational documentation, which will allow the use of a universal algorithm for their processing. The main directions of approaches to the implementation of semantic interoperability are considered and their shortcomings are identified. An approach to the implementation of semantic interoperability based on the use of semistructure of exploitative factual content of electronic documents is proposed. As part of the work, a practical example of the implementation of the proposed approach is given on the example of processing the results of hydrodynamic studies of gas wells. A universal method of marking factographic data in the content of electronic MS Word documents by means of their semistructure models is proposed, which implements support for their semantic interoperability and automated processing for all MS Word document formats implemented on the basis of XML technology.

Keywords: Factographic data; Semantic interoperability; Operational documentation; Large production systems.


Ю. В. Полищук (Оренбургский государственный университет, Оренбург, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


Yu. V. Polishuk (Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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